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Make a FOIP Request

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, commonly known as the FOIP Act is the cornerstone of open, accessible, and accountable government for the people of Alberta.

The FOIP Act aims to strike a balance between the public's right to know and the individual's right to privacy, as these rights relate to information held by public-sector bodies in Alberta.

There are 5 fundamental principles upon which the FOIP Act is based:

  1. The public has a right of access to records in the custody or under the control of a public-sector body subject to specific and limited exceptions.
  2. Public-sector bodies must protect an individual's personal privacy.
  3. Individuals have a right to access their own personal information.
  4. Individuals can request a correction to their personal information.
  5. A review of a public-sector body's decision can be undertaken by the independent Information and Privacy Commissioner.

How to file a FOIP request with the Town of Vegreville:

  1. Ensure the information you are looking for is under the control of the Town of Vegreville and not another public-sector body
  2. Fill out the FOIP request form
  3. Enclose your filing fee of $25.00
  4. Drop off at the Town Administration Office